Thursday, May 15, 2014

Avail the Best vi Peel New York and Experience its Benefits

Bring a revolution in the field of beauty and care, Best vi Peel New York clinics offer the service of an effective and an advanced chemical peel. This has been made of unique and useful ingredients that keep the skin healthy and rejuvenated. The application of vi peel require no lengthy preparations or prolonged follow ups. All that it requires is a 20 to 25 minutes session that would show simply amazing results in the form of bright and shining face, hands, arms, legs, feet etc.

Soon after vi peel, there might be slight irritation or reddishness on the face of patient due to exfoliating effect of the peel. Dermatologists suggest the application of moisturizer soon after so that the reddishness starts subsiding fast. The healing time involves slight peeling of the skin that soon becomes normal after couple of days. Once the superficial dermis of the skin peels off the actual and amazing results of vi peels come to the fore, thus imparting a youthful and remarkable aura to the face.

What are Vi Peels

Vi peel is a potent mix of useful and skin-friendly ingredients that work wonders for all types of skin textures. These ingredients are handpicked and specifically targeted towards restoration and rejuvenation of skin. These ingredients have anti-ageing properties and keep the skin in best of its health. Vi peel can be applied over skin very easily and it does not involves any kind of pain or abrasion.
Vi peel contains right kind of chemical that are absolutely safe for skin. Its application makes its outermost damaged layer get peeled and refreshed. The layer of dermis gets refined and attains better health. Except for mild sensation and tingling, there is no kind of pain or abrasion involved in vi peel.

After Care

Best vi Peel New York clinics make the skin soft red and fluffy soon after the application. This constitutes the healing process after the peeling. The peeling makes the skin sensitive that lasts for 3 to 4 days. The peeling makes the uppermost dermis get an overhauling and the entire skin surface gets rejuvenated.

Right Skin for Vi Peel

Vi peel is best suggested for those people who have mild to moderate skin that has got damaged due to excessive sun exposure, wrong eating and lifestyle habits and ageing. Soon after the vi peel, the skin becomes anew and rejuvenated without any kind of surgery or other medical processes.


  1. This is a new information for me. I was not aware of Vi peel. Thanks for sharing

  2. Vi peel is really good and very effective.


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